
The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users: Grammatical Terms Explained for Exegesis is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users helps users understand the exegetical significance of Hebrew grammatical terminology identified by the program. This resource provides students who utilize biblical language software the insight they need to make sense of the data provided by the program, giving them deeper insight into the biblical text that they could not get by solely...

The Niphal verb stem suggests two main nuances: • Simple action with a passive voice; that is, the subject of the verb receives the action of the verb. For example, the verbal idea communicated by the three-consonant root שׁמר is “to guard.” So the Niphal Perfect 3ms form נִשְׁמַר can mean “he was guarded.” • Simple action with a reflexive voice; that is, the subject of the verb performs the action of the verb upon him/her/itself. For example, the verbal idea communicated by the three-consonant
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